
Paintings & Explainations

Paintings & Explainations


"Come To My Window" 2016. Oil on canvas. 4 ft x 5 ft.

Serving as an alternative self-portrait, this painting offers the many different emotional states that the eyes can give away — that even the rest of your body language can easily hide. I even eliminated the eyebrows to really emphasize how powerfully our eyes can communicate alone. Although the eyes painted on the canvas are modeled after my own, I hope that my viewers are able to identify and relate to the emotion packed behind each pair. More so  I hope they are able to notice the interaction going on between these eyes, and find comfort in the fact that we can have several conflicting personalities going simultaneously.



"Pixel & Pose" 2015. Acrylic on cardboard. 24 in x 24 in.

For this painting I wanted to exercise the challenge of shading  especially without the safety net of color.

Sixteen shades to be exact, I approached a portrait of Monroe in a pixelated style to abstract the face and really emphasize the different shades in each square of gray.